VIM for IDE-people - part 2

Color Scheme: Solarized Plugin

Let’s start with an easy one. When working with Netbeans, I had the Solarized color scheme installed. I was really used to this color scheme, and the first thing I did, was install it for Vim.

Installation is quite simple thanks to Pathogen: go to your ~/.vim/bundle folder and git clone git://

Then edit your ~/.vimrc configuration file. Add the following if you like working with a dark background:

syntax enable
set background=dark
colorscheme solarized

If you like the lighter background, then use this configuration:

syntax enable
set background=light
colorscheme solarized

If you want to reload your ~/.vimrc configuration in your current Vim instance, hit : and type so ~/.vimrc + enter.

Vim For IDE-people

This article is part of the series “Vim For IDE-people”. The other articles in the list are:

  1. Basic Vim configuration and plugins
  2. Solarized color scheme
  3. File system explorer: NERDTree
  4. Syntax checking: Syntastic
  5. Lightweight status line: vim-airline
